personality tests @ Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I have gone to benn's blog and, out of boredom, has done the personality tests.
which X-men am I?
You Are Iceman |
 You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers
Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible |
Three question quiz:
Your Personality Is |
Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
What language should I learn?
You Should Learn Japanese |
 You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture. From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! |
What coffee am I?
You are a Black Coffee |
 At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable
At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty
You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it
Your caffeine addiction level: high |
What animal personality are you?
Your Animal Personality |
 Your Power Animal: Eagle
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale
You are active, a challenger, and optimistic. Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal. |
10:12 PM
my 100th post @
This is officially my 100th post
Looks like I've been blogging eh?
I've always thought of my 100th post as elusive
like with a bang and stuff
but strangely
I'm feeling kinda sombre
maybe the fact that its all dark since its 1.15 in the morning
I have npcc tomorrow
I therefore should be in bed and have no reason to be up
but yet
I don't want to sleep
because once I sleep
I would have to wake up to npcc
so staying up
is keeping away from npcc
because I want to laze around
slackish me.
I should be sleeping...
1:11 AM
guest post @ Monday, May 29, 2006
The following is a guest post from Mr. Sir.:
Funny how things are eh?
Well one thing is for sure, if ever I do go back to teach at the great and wonderful school of ACS (I) (Stress that it is (I), Independent, not something else) and I am the CT for any Sec 1 class, I will be sure to shake their hands and congratulate them on coming into this wonderful school. Can you imagine how great it is? Well, you cant fully appreciate it till you have left the great gates of the schools embrace. To be back in this great school once again is a feeling that just cant be described in mere words alone. The ACS spirit. Yes, we cant stand some teachers, hate others to the core but just BUTTTTT we know that every single teacher cares a heck lot for us. Every single friggin one of us. ( I know I still do) yet we dont quite appreciate em. Well for one thing I just wanna say that I was privileged enough to work with some of the most professional people in the world. We are still Sec one… we dont know all the teachers. Well, well.... I was from this ACS system and I doubt itll surprise you if I said that the same teachers who taught me are teaching you guys. THEY ROCK. Lemme just say that almost all the Deans are personal friends and some even taught me lets seee a few years back. The Dean of MT is a remarkable lady. I salute her dynamism, passion and love for her work. She is an inspiration and if you friends have the opportunity to be taught by her, you thank your lucky stars and know your headed for an A1 in Chinese. (whoever said we ACSians cant get A1?) However, I do agree not all are like her even in ACS I, some teachers may not show the same care and concern the majority demonstrate, and are insensitive to the feelings of our gentlemen. Fret not for I assure you these are just the minuscule minority. Look at the big picture and know that if life gets you down or if some teacher is being a pain, just send me an email and Ill be glad to write back any feedback and comments to help. Yes, we will keep shaking our tail feathers till all students are at peace with ACS I.
I was fortunate enough to come back to teach at this great institution. To come back to give back in full force. (Try especially my Lit lessons and you will know what I mean) Have you ever seen the great huge effort I put in to all my lessons? Lets recall.... Why? Cos of this passion I have to give all ACSians brothers the greatest learning environment. All the energy put in does not come from nowhere. Somethings gotta give. Haggard. Tired. Exhausted. At the end of the day its all worth it for I receive appreciation from ACSians. Thank you for your appreciation for that was what empowered me on during the months I taught there. Holding a BBQ at ones house, it wasnt so much that a BBQ was held but the thought that truly mattered (not to mention who got wet in the end:) An applause when I enter a classroom, thats a perk but more importantly, its the appreciation once again that truly counts. To all my classes that I taught, I most certainly havent forgotten you all. I am thankful to have been part of your lives and believe it was a fun part. Thanks for the jokes. Thanks for the ride, for it was truly a blast. Thank you.
To IB classes, you made the right choice. I encourage all students to do the IB cos you dont ever want to leave ACS I to any JC. I extend any help to any student who is struggling in his work and needs help. Ill be glad to help to ensure you all get good enough grades to get into the IB programme. Thats Mr. Sirs seal of promise.
The ACS brand name. You cant beat that now can ya? ACS (I). It instills respect and pride in all. Recall, army daze... whilst mixing with all sorts of people from all walks of life. Everyone was comparing where everyone was from. Some ITE, some PSLE grads, others neighborhood schools. I respect where they come from but I took enormous pride in the fact that I was distinct, for I came from this great school. No, not a mere school, an institution Everyone knew this institution. Everyone respected this instituiton. Arrogance? BAH, its pride, a good sense of healthy pride not the snobbish sort but the confidence that we exude and is felt by those around us. If you people cant deal with it then just DEAL WITH IT. We aint never gonna give up on our confidence, panache, and flair for life... ever.
Mr. Kenneth Sir 2006
1:00 PM
sundays... @
yesterday was remarkably fun.
District gathering.
Guest band? HAHAZ
the shades looked nice
everyone was so enthu
wonderful worship
after that
had 8 cups
then my stomach gave up
went to macs with david, kevin, xue er and abby
then the whole business with the coke
had fun
then went to plaza sing
with david and kevin
to watch X3
david was once more complaining about being 2 seats from the screen
but watching with kevin arhh...
the movie takes on a new perspective.
quite fun
then went home
elmo's world
I see you
depressed as you are
I see you
but yet you're so far
why can't I reach you
why can't you hear me
why can't I do anything
but watch, wait and see
where is the justice of the world
am I doomed to be like this?
watching the ones I care for
fade into the mist...
12:55 PM
stones taught me to fly @ Sunday, May 28, 2006
Its 4.17am
sunday morning
listening to canonball by damian rice
very nice
lets see
worship experience
really good
enjoyed it
no fuel
crapping with chris, bro aloy, gab, javian, benedict, han jie, ze jun, timothy and ryan
then talked with bro zhi hao
upstairs at 2nd floor
came back down
found out alot of people had left
played the stupid hand tapping game
I'm 3 months pregnant!
until I had to go
then came back home
mother and father gave another one of the
"you're in IP. You can't afford to mess up" talks
actual quotes from teachers (today PTM mah)
"I can tell Gideon didn't study for his geography exam. But for a student who didn't study, he did very well."
"Gideon is disruptive in class"
"Gideon is quiet in class"
"Gideon needs to focus"
not coffee
or sugar
4:14 AM
highness struck in the middle of the night @ Saturday, May 27, 2006
its 1:38 and im feeling high
and random
combine the two
and you get...
I don't know either
oh mister sun
mister golden sun
please shine down on me
oh mister sun
mister golden-AGGGHHH
oh wait
im only supposed to melt when people poke me
*sun pokes me*
if you wish to talk to my logic
or my commen sense
or my reason
they are all out to lunch
at KFC
I was supposed to join them but im too tired
di di didi di di a baby shark
sisters adventure camp cheer stuck in my head
so lets take it off
1:33 AM
1:18 am update @ Friday, May 26, 2006
It has suddenly occured to me that I leave pain and distress in my wake
I mean
2 people
were really close friends
stupid, bumbling, moronic me
its because of me
both feel maniacally depressed
my fault
stupid me
another 2 close friends
I somehow convince 1
to do something stupid
and WHAM
what is wrong with me?
why are you so angry with him
why is it me
the depression bringer
where is the justice?
1:21 AM
bittersweet... @ Thursday, May 25, 2006
bitter: woke up this morning feeling tired
sweet: counted down from 10 and leaped out of bed, feeling strangly high
bitter: burnt my tongue on hot milo -.-
sweet: fell asleep on bus and woke up just and the stop
bitter: sun was burning during assembly
sweet: after that was trip to singapore discovery centre (no lessons!!!)
bitter: accidentally cut my hand while punching the wall (for the fun of it)-.-
sweet: ate pizza for break (BOOYA!!!)
bitter: tour around SAFTI was boring...
sweet: absolutely no lessons for the whole day
bitter: had to stay back for NP
sweet: got our uniforms :D
bitter: rain...
sweet: rain :)
bitter: was late for meeting david
sweet: suddenly tells me show is at 6.40 so I have time to eat
bitter: stupid bus ride took so long...
sweet: finally got to plaza sing
bitter: alot of seats already booked for X3
sweet: found seats for a 7pm show
bitter: no popcorn :(
sweet: dinner at KFC
bitter: side seats for X3
sweet: X3!!!! WOOTZOR!!!
bitter: finishes at 9 and me is tired
sweet: thank God for direct bus home
bitter: arrive home at 10
sweet: just in time to watch LOST!!!
bitter: mother reveals phone bill of $282 and confiscates phone
sweet: finally up to date with LOST
bitter: mum and dad hogs com
sweet: finally get on :) YAY
bitter: benn, riel and david all go off *sulks* "leave me all alone..."
sweet: brian, sandra, aloysius and aik leng are still on YAY
that pretty much sums up my day.
Yes, my phone is confiscated
yes, I watched X3
go watch.
prof X, cyclops and jean grey die
jean grey kills prof X
and kills cyclops
wolverine kills jean grey
jean grey kills many by tearing them atom from atom.
kinding like disturbing a clump of dust.
that was my day
feeling bittersweet.
11:31 PM
trust. a familiar topic @ Tuesday, May 23, 2006
trust issues.
People have it
people refuse to admit it
people writhe in self pity later
I was going to say something serious
but my mind's too warped for that
not gonna bother.
10:16 PM
redundancy, stupidity, confusion @
Its 3:30 am in the morning
I haven't slept at all
I'm going back to ACS(P) later
I am insane
I am awake
I am on msn
I am blogging
I plan to play astropop
I am realising how redundant the word "I" is
I am realising how ego I am
I am realising how stupid I am
I am confused
I am bewildered
I am bothered
I am annoyed
I am waiting
I am thinking
I am wishing you could trust me more
I am wanting to know more
I am crazy
I am happy
I want to watch X3 ASAP
I feel like buying coffee
I feel like drinking coffee
I feel like pigging out
I feel...
I feel hungry
3:38 AM
sleepy days, sleepless nights @ Monday, May 22, 2006
I think theres something in my body that refuses to let me sleep in the night
its unfair
and david
dont make any stupid comments...
nothing to say
cause I'm BORED
with a capital B
I might start talking in spanish...
nvm lah
9:40 PM
mood swings? O.o @ Sunday, May 21, 2006
Well, the following are 2 ideas or conversations I had in my mind earlier today which I decided would be fun to put on my blog.
The first idea: Women are telepathic
think about it
I live with 3 sisters
often, they mouth words to me
its like they have advanced knowledge in their brains
on how to communicate without voice
today fuel
shiny was transferring a message to another girl
to do the "three cheers for team B" thing
she didn't say anything
just raised her hand
out-stretched 3 fingers
mouthed something
and the other person got it
I am baffled
Second example:
today macs
benn was trying to say something to me
mouthing only
somehow, I didn't get it
its an example
of them trying
do you see the proof???
Second thing I've realised
everytime I try to reach out to someone
build a friendship
I end up drifting from someone
its a fact
I just can't do it
2:21 AM
bored bored bored... @ Saturday, May 20, 2006
I feel bored
so I blog
going all poetic-like again
AHHH chinese
failed it
I suck
18 and a half
upon 50
should have studied more.
On the bright side
Its my only failure
when I thought I would fail Lsci
and Psci
suprisingly, I was among the top 10 in class for those subjects
Which is just plain weird
because I didn't really study for any of them
a O.o is in order
How could I have been so stupid...
Please tell me what the hell is going on...
1:15 PM
Savin' Me @ Friday, May 19, 2006
Prison gates wont open up for me
On these hands and knees Im crawling
Oh, I reach for you
Well Im terrified of these four walls
These iron bars cant hold my soul in
All I need is you
Come please Im calling
And oh I scream for you
Hurry Im falling
Show me what its like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And Ill show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And Ill leave this life behind me
Say it if its worth saving me
Heavens gates wont open up for me
With these broken wings Im falling
And all I see is you
These city walls aint got no love for me
Im on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you
Come please Im calling
And all I need from you
Hurry Im falling
Show me what its like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And Ill show you what I can be
Say it for me
Say it to me
And Ill leave this life behind me
Say it if its worth saving me
Hurry Im falling
Heard this song from youtube
while searching up on X-men 3 the last stand.
In the last 3 hours,
I believe I have seen every available media on X-men 3.
I so wanna watch it.
Whos with me?!
According to my sister,
the mgnyte people are gonna watch it together
so Im gonna shout UNFAIR!!!!!
I wanna go watch.
And I need to watch with someone
who understands the plot.
not some movie dumb person
who doesnt know the meaning of mutant.
Theres nothing more annoying
than watching a movie you enjoy
with a person asking you
about any and everything happening in the movie.
Who wants to watch!!!
11:56 PM
Little known facts @ Thursday, May 18, 2006
As I can't bother to send out the email, I shall follow benn in posting it on my blog. This is edited BTW
1. Starting Time: 12.50a.m.
2. Full Name: Gideon Goh Yong Jie (aka penguiKnIGHT)
3.Best Friend(s): not gonna bother counting
4.Sexiest Friend: basically everyone I know (except for maybe jonathan and kirby. *shiver*)
5. Funniest Friend(s): Me? I crap enough for me and everyone else
6. Smartest friends: too many to count:) (that includes you reading this)
7. Dumbest Person: People would expect Jon but no. He just acts dumb. But I'll still put his name here (no offence right?)
8. Shyest Friend: hmmmm... no idea (why do people think ariel is shy?)
9. Most boring person: easy. Anna Lim. takes a 2 second pause between every word.
10. Who Do you get advice from: Benn, Brian, Aik Leng and the list goes on
11. Height : 156. I'm short :(
12. D(ate)O(f)B(irth): 13 dec 1993. born in year of CHIcken. We supply your drumsticks.
13. Righty / Lefty : right. Because thats the RIGHT way to go XD (told you im full of crap)
14. Shoe Size : who cares?
15.Shoe Brand: Doesn't matter to me
16. Do you Crack any Body Parts: knuckles, knee, jaw, neck, spine, elbow...the list goes on (accident prone me)
17. Siblings: 1 younger sister, 2 older sisters. You have no idea the kind of things I go through...
18. Email Address:
19. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: You have to ask?
20. Crush: nice try
21. Liked a Teacher: If like as in friend like then yea. Mr. Lo. Most slackest and fun teacher I've had.
22. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: No. I ate 3 in a row. My stomach is a bottemless pit
23. Ran Into a Glass Door : yeah. I can already remember twice in the last month (I said I was accident-prone didn't I?)
24. Nearly hit by a car: Yup. Walked across the road and felt a rush of wind behind. Silver car just missed me.
25. Ran into a parked car: Yes. Accident prone.
Guys Fill Out on girls
26. Tall or Short : Relative to me?
27. Long Hair or Short : not a factor
28.Dark or Light Eyes: white eyes are possible?!?!?!
29. Light/Dark Hair: white hair at this age?!?!?!
30. Body or Personality: personality. Anyone I love will look good no matter what.
31. Ears Pierced or Not: read above
32. Good Girl/Bad Girl: read above
33.Hair Up or Down : read above
34. Sporty or Classy: hmmm... doesnt matter
35. Chicken or Not Afraid : No matter
Which One is Better
36. Coke or pepsi: either. I am a pig
37. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: both. Me weird.
38. Cats or Dogs : dogs=loyal, cats=smart, hard to choose
40. Eastside or westside: westside.
41. Vanilla or chocolate: flavor doesnt matter to a bottemless pit
42. Cake or Cookies: both.
43. Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: white
44. Sunset or Sunrise: I see them enough due to my weird sleeping habits.
45. Day or Night: night. Most active then.
46. Lights on or off : considering I'm doing this in my room with only the light from my tablet, off.
47. Summer or Winter: both.
Your favourite
48. Food: Anything. I am the bottemless pit.
49. Holiday destination: anywhere with good food
50. radio station : power 98. perfect 10 is... more rap music
51. Place: in front of the com, my bed
In The Future
52. Will you believe in God: Already do. And I do it with all my heart. God ROCKS!
53. What you want to be when you grow up: food tester XD. No lah, psychologist or game designer.
Random Questions
54. Define Love: you'll know it when you fall into it
55. Favourite Place: in front of a all you can eat buffet
56. Favourite day(s) of the week: saturday. I can sleep in and go to church. Good combo.
57. Bedtime: varies from 7pm to 7 am
58.Satan or God or atheist: My God is an awesome God.
More questions
59. Do you love someone right now: Friends, Family, God
60. Do you care about someone: Friends and Family.
61. Do you think of someone everyday: guess. My lips are sealed =X
62. Do you think someone is special in any way: Everyone is
63. Finishing time: 1:09 am (ariel and joelle are gonna kill me. I was supposed to be asleep 45 minutes ago
64.Date: 18 may 2006 (morning)
There you have it. enjoy.
12:47 AM
S E 7 E N @ Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I haven't touched my blog for a few days since my sisters are too busy "doing homework". So, for no particular reason at all, I shall do teh S E 7 E N thingy
S E 7 E N people and things that make me Smile:
1)CHURCH (woot!)
2)being in a semi-heavy rain (refreshing:) )
3)nice music (BLAST IT)
5)Aik Lengs comics about life in school
7)My God :)
S E 7 E N Ways to Win my Heart
1)Be who you are (God made you special so embrace that fact)
2)Show some concern
3)Stand my random crapping (XD)
4)No stalking or the like
5)Understand the concept of the bottemless pit that is my stomach
6)Join in with my random crapping (XD)
7)Understand me
S E 7 E N People I Believe/Trust In:
2)Benn (experiencer of too much)
3)Ariel (mmhmm buddy)XD
4)Inez (oversmsers of the world unite)
5)Vera (perservere/crap/night/some other thing I can't remember/high buddy)
I would have gone on to about 25 but theres only 7 :(
S E 7 E N Things I Hope To Have/Do Now:
1)A faster computer (hhhaaattteee lllaaaggg)
2)Stop procrastinating (impossible)
4)get A for chinese (another impossibility)
5)Nintendo Wii/ PSP/ X-BOX 360/ PS3 (hint hint)
6)Oikos know God
7)Jonathon to be less petty (no seriously dude, stop it)
S E 7 E N Things I Do Everyday:
2)Slack (it comes naturally)
3)Sms (my average is 173 messages per day 0.O)
4)eat (alot)
6)Tell someone to smile
7)Think (about what is secret)
S E 7 E N People I Want to See Now :
2)Brian (get that talk over and done with)
3)Some guys that used to be from ACS(P) (we have catching up to do)
4)Joel, Zheng Wei, Aik Leng (need to crack level 53 grrr....)
5)David (you do want your money don't you?)
6)Any person willing to be random right now
S E 7 E N People who should also do this:
4)Jared (I'd like to see yours)
5)Momo (with a capital H?)
6)Aik Leng
7)Ming Yang
Now I shall attempt to show that I do have a certain depth of thinking.
I don't see the point in meis/jies/kors/dis (not biological lah, the other type). When someone calls another person his or her mei/jie/kor/di, he or she is showing that he/she is a level below the person he/she is addressing. While there is logic in calling friends buddies. By considering a person your _____ buddy, you are putting the person at the same level as you, an acknowledgement. But then again, calling a person your mei/jie/kor/di is also a sign of friendship. It bonds people together. It works.
This is random.
Cows are really pink
underneath their black and white skin is a coat of pink
sparkling pink
shiny pink
which is how pink fur is formed
they take the cow
rip off its outer covering
stuff it with food
it explodes
take fur and make into anything you want
By exploding it
they produce baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaananas
monkeys love bananas
bananas over bananas
someone asked me where was the old me
I think he left sometime during my self hatred process
11:31 PM
Philo @ Saturday, May 13, 2006
Service today was fun
one of those where God's prescence is just so strong
and you can feel it in the air
want to feel it again
during FUEL
while brother victor was playing on the guit
just the silence
I just started singing under my breath
and I forgot what they were
but they meant alot
to me
11:48 PM
Prepare for a long post @
This might be long. Brace yourself
Recently, life has been actually getting better. Forgetting everything that happened works suprislingly well. I've over-killed my phone bill this month considering I've sent out some 1173 messages in the last week.
I'm sleeping too little. I slept 6 hours yesterday, 3 hours today. Working on the wicked. I need something to obsess over. Its actually fun. stuck at level 52 while gabriel is still stuck at 7.
To a specific someone:
I know your life pretty much sucks horribly. But what makes you think mine doesn't? You have to let go. Let God in. Its the only way you'll survive. God is stretching out his hand with all the help you need. But you aren't reaching out to take it. Think about it. Why do you need to cry?
I once asked the Lord:" where are you?"
he replied:"my child, where are
sometimes he is trying to give us the help
we just dont take it.
Today's FUEL rocked
God's presence was just so strong
I just felt it
and honestly
I've missed it
the utter reassurance
that he will let no harm come to you
it feels like
it can't be put in words
I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD. The Maker of heaven and earth.
8:54 PM
worked 3 hours for 71 kb @
technacally its after 12
so its saturday
I've been doing a walkthrough for the wicked
got me hooked
level 52
playing insaniquarium and feeding frenzy
so fun
its 06:19
maybe I'm thinking of you
maybe I'm not
you decide.
6:20 AM
I'd be less confused if I was upside down and lost all 5 senses @ Friday, May 12, 2006
Slept at 5
woke up at 12
when I was supposed to wake up at 7 for DESlife
obviously it was long finished
and since michel didn't go DESlife either
we therfore left inez alone there
which was evil
so I apologise
got up
used com
and worked with Aik leng on the wicked
reached level 46
and now we're stuck
any one?
what are you trying to say? Are you trying to be subtle? I'm very confused
I want things to go back the way they were
but time can't be reversed
and so I'm stuck here
thinking of you
5:31 PM
Chinese is over
now I'm chained to the com
try it out yourself
I read the article in digital life
about "the wicked"
tried it out
finished the wicked junior
stuck at 36 in the wicked.
Any one got hints?
and since its past 12
so its the next day
12:17 AM
third day of my nightmare @ Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Day 3 of my nightmare: Life science(bio) and history
Life science:
nothing to say
I wrote alot of crap
8 lines for a 4 mark question
while people wrote 5 lines
2:03 PM
Second day of my nightmare @ Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Second day of my nightmare: Physical science(chem and physics) and Math
Physical Science:
ok lah
At least finished all questions
finished 20 minutes early
doodled with extra writing paper.
2:47 PM
100% fail geog... yes, I am the geog rep... @ Monday, May 08, 2006
First day of my nightmare: Lang Arts(lit) and Earth Science(geog)
Lang Arts:
Two essay questions.
Two sheets of writing paper.
8 points.
8 paragraphs.
Earth Science:
Don't even ask.
1:42 PM
@ Sunday, May 07, 2006
Ah, Election Day
PAP won
But good job opposition
SDP... pathetic
WP... good job
SDA... no comment
1:58 AM
Maybe we're bent and broken... @ Friday, May 05, 2006
My hands are trembling.
The adrenaline rush is over.
My arms feel weak and drained.
Slightly nauseous.
To people/persons
What gives you the right to judge someone?
no one is perfect
what the freak makes you think you are?
unlike you
I face my truth
yes I am a slacker
and I'll admit openly
If you have the gall to insult me
do it to my face
if you have any guts at all
you popularise yourself
through the defeat/ridicule of others
and then you go around
as if you OWN the world
it takes all my self-control not to stab you there and then
I lost myself in anger... the rage isnt being quenched or quelled
Now that thats off my chest
I can go on about stuff
Midyears coming up
yet the fear is not in my heart
is that good?
Sometime through P5
after june hols
I slacked during that time
and since that day
I've lost any want to study
now I'm actually trying.
I don't know. I can't answer your question. I can't say what im uncertain of.
You two complete idiots.
To her: He doesn't freaking like you anymore. He has the illusion that you hate him or something. Do me a favour and HELP ME OUT HERE.
To him: for goodness sakes, when I'm quiet, it means I'm thinking. Your too-much-coffee attitude has begun to tick me off. Things were actually better when you knew less.
3:52 PM
Gone by switchfoot @ Monday, May 01, 2006
She told him she'd rather fix her makeup
than try to fix what's going on
But the problem keeps on calling
even with the cell phone gone
She told him that she believes in living
bigger than she's living now
But her world keeps spinning backwards
and upside down
Don't say so long, and throw yourself wrong
Don't spin today away, cause today will soon be
Gone, like yesterday is gone,
Like history is gone
Just try to prove me wrong
And pretend like you're immortal
She said he said live like no tomorrow
Every day we borrow brings us
one step closer to the edge, infinity
Where's your treasure, where's your hope
if you get the world and lose your soul?
She pretends like she pretends like she's immortal
Don't say so long, you're not that far gone
This could be your big chance to make up
Today will soon be
Gone, like yesterday is gone
Like history is gone
The world keeps spinning on
You're going, going, gone
Like summer break is gone,
Like saturday is gone
Just try to prove me wrong
You pretend like you're immortal.
We are not infinite
We are not permanent
Nothing is immediate
We're so confident
In our accomplishments
Look at our decadence
Gone, like Frank Sinatra, like Elvis and his mom,
Like Al Pachino's cash, nothing lasts in this life
Gone, my high school dreams are gone,
my childhood sweets are gone
Life is a day that doesn't last for long.
Life is more than money, time was never money
Time was never cash, life is still more than girls.
Life is more than hundred dollar bills and roto-tom fills,
Life is more than fame and rock and roll and thrills,
All the riches of the kings end up in wills
We've got information in the information age but do
We know what life is outside of our convenient Lexus cages?
She said he said live like no tomorrow
Every moment that we borrow brings us closer
to the God who's not short of cash
Hey Bono, I'm glad you asked
Life is still worth living, life is more than what we are.
10:39 PM
ugh... haircut @
Well, I have a haircut. I now look like a furball. Or a ball with fur. Whichever. Its at a uniform length of about 5cm? about.
My tagboard is like lazarus. For goodness knows how long, its been "dead" but now its alive again. Unfortunately this might have some repercussions. And ming yang, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.
Granddad's birthday.
went out to eat lunch
chinese restaurant
nice grandma
too lazy to upload...
8:40 PM
random quiz @
I've done this weird quiz thingy.
got it from my sis
It goes like this
you open a music player
put it on shuffle
then answer these questions
using the song names as answers
quite fun
Q: How does the world see me?
A: I believe in a thing called love by the darkness
utta wha? this doesnt make sense
Q: Will I have a happy life?
A: Beautiful day by U2
yay, my life will be full of beautiful daysQ: What do my friends really think of me?
A: you and me song by the wannadies
hahaz. This is weird. Maybe they think I'm someone who'll stick with them.
Do people secretly lust after me?
A: Stardust by micheal buble
This doesnt make sense.Q: How can i make myself happy?
A: One slowdance by Rufio
so slow dancing makes me happy?Q: What can i do with my life?
A: wind cries mary by jamie cullum
Another answer that doesnt make senseQ: Will i ever have children?
A: wonderful by everclear
guess that means I'll have wonderful childrenQ: What is some good advice for me?
A: who i am hates who I've been by relient K
I agree. this is deep sia deep
Q: How will i be remembered?
A: jump around by planet shakers
guess that means I'll be remember coz of my highnessQ: What is my signature dancing song?
A: here i am by planet shakers
A slow song. Do I really love slow songs that much?
Q: What do i think my current theme song is?
A: wrap my words around you by daniel beddingfield
Cause its true, I love you. Let me wrap my words around you.
Q: What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
A: more than it seems by kutless
So people think im more than I seem?
Q: What song will play at my funeral?
A: I am missing by dashboard
This makes alot of senseQ: What sort of men/women do i like?
a) men: I still haven't found what i'm looking for by U2
I don't completely agree...
b)women: hold on by acceptance
hold on till I find the one? Maybe I already haveQ: What is my day going to be like?
A: the way i do by marcos hernandez.
makes no sense
There you have it.
Go try it out.
and to all those who recieved my sms
which I sent at 4am
I meant every word
you are all in my prayers tonight too.
12:58 AM