Paradox of Intelligence @ Wednesday, August 30, 2006
(Sorry for no posts. Ive been busy)

Today, Im going to introduce something called the paradox of intelligence. No, I did not just say that so I sound smarter.

Paradox: Something contradictory. Good and bad at the same time.
Intelligence: Smartness, how clever you are.

The paradox of intelligence is simple. If someone with a relatively low IQ were to stumble upon a situation, his low-leveled mind would therefore bear low-leveled results and he would draw a conclusion equal to his intellect. However, if someone with a relatively high IQ were to stumble upon the same situation, his high-leveled mind would therefore bear high-leveled results and his conclusion would also be equal to his intellect. As such, a person with a low IQ would draw a conclusion that would probably be inaccurate while a person with a high IQ would draw a conclusion more accurate than the previous.

Implementing this idea into a situation
A low level IQ person would not recognize when a person was making an excuse to avoid him or her and might even think that both parties were “friends.”
On the other end of the spectrum, a high level IQ person would recognize what was happening and, though he or she would revel in his or her high intellect, he or she would realize he was being avoided and might degrade to a state of depression.
Such is the paradox of intelligence

Ive been backstabbed many times

But I didn’t expect it from you.
12:31 AM

Be Yourself @ Tuesday, August 22, 2006
(This was written on a Microsoft word and later transferred to blogger.com; Written at 8.42am.)

I’m beginning to find people who simply lack a sense of humor. Either that or a very weird sense of humor.

The problem with people nowadays is that we have lost the ability to laugh at themselves. They get easily annoyed when people make a small crack at them. Call it anger problems, call it short-tempered, call it slightly psychopathic, but it all spawns from our natural human urge to always be right. But the irony lies in the fact that we can’t be always right. If we were, we won’t be human now would we.

Learn to accept who you are. If you support a side, say so. Don’t lie about it or be ambiguous. Stand for what you believe in. Be who you are inside. There’s no point in imitating someone because the only person you can imitate completely and absolutely would be yourself.

An attempt at a intelligent post. School just does that to me.
8:48 AM

Reveal the Obvious @
Wonderful new blogskin right?
Still ironing out the bugs though

I'm attempting to take a new approach at blogging so bear with me through all my random crappings.

700+ word essay in 1 and a half hours
my inspiration well is now dry.
Oh yea, and happy birthday Aud.
1:46 AM

@ Sunday, August 20, 2006
I think im losing my mind.
2:46 AM

hmm... @
I haven't blogged in goodness knows how long.
Which is weird.
Ok, today

Woke up at 1.45 O.o
Bathed, went down to church
walked around with Esli
Went for service
which was quite good
Followed by FUEL
Choclate coffee
I ate the coffee bean alone
nothing much

story of my life.
1:48 AM

sweetness @ Thursday, August 17, 2006
feeling poetic again
But either im too tired to poem-ise something out
or I have nothing to poem-ise out

Just took an IQ test off the net.
Apparently my IQ is 147 = universal genius
I think its all bunk.

nothing to apologise for.
2:33 AM

And so comes the night @ Monday, August 14, 2006
Its only in the night that the protective layer dissolves
only then do I allow myself to feel penitent
to feel sorry
to be wrong

I didn't mean the things I said
anger unresolved is anger uncontrolled

always love
hate will get you every time
always love
don't wait till the finish line

if my words still hold any value to you
im sorry...
1:29 AM

selfishness... @ Sunday, August 13, 2006
whoopdeedo. The number of things that can be packed into three days.

as usual, school
and it felt like monday
and I had every intention of ponning NP
but I didnt have to cause there wasn't any
gab suddenly gave me a ticket to ultraviolet
went home, then to far east plaza, then to singapore expo
its never a good idea to include white paint thingys in goodie bags
you get stuff marked out on your skin
like certain people who decide to "decorate" your arm
proceeding to plaza sing
felt uber tired
went home

the usual

the usual

im bored and have nothing to blog about...
3:28 PM

make up post @ Thursday, August 10, 2006
The time gap between each post gets longer and longer. Which is weird for me. I'm supposed to be blogging like crazy. But I'm not. No idea why though.

Going to malaysia, even for just a day, was refreshing. But at the same time, it put me off track in my life.

I have nothing really philosophical to say, neither have I anything to rant about. But maybe I'll crap something out

Trust is so hard to earn. But yet no matter how hard you try sometimes, you just can't get certain people's trust. Maybe its due to a first impression or something holding the person back.

I can't keep this up

11:50 PM

@ Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Once more I find my life boring to the point I find nothing interesting to blog about.
FOP was great
although we knew no songs from CCC but we played along
and it rocked. Yea.
Transformed was better
tangible prescene of God
really good
nothing else
1:03 AM

long day? you have no idea... @ Saturday, August 05, 2006
The first thought that hit me the moment I woke up was "I have an uncanny feeling today's gonna be a bad day." And, not suprisingly, I was right.

School was actually bearable. I thought my instinct was wrong (shock, horror). But as the day progressed, I realised it was right.

We were trying to go to KAP, but had to wait for the 3rd 74 to come before we could atually board. And by then, jenag yang was there. bahh.

At KAP itself, I was attempting to play POP3 which I installed at zheng's house yesterday. I thought there were problems so I unmounted all the virtual disk drives without remembering the install files were back at zheng's. So POP3 wasn't playable on my com. But it wouldn't have been anyway since I didn't have the original files. bahhhh.

The walk was worse. For no particular reason (other than highness), I decided to roll down a hill. then we had the run/walk. of which I walked. Until the last part. At which I sprinted at the sound of free milo. But I didn't warm up first did I? noooooo. So I had a cramp in my left leg. At this time, the grass from rolling down the hill had developed into a rash. and we were in the sun waiting for the results to be released so we could all go home. Everyone was dehydrated. bahhhhhh.

After the walk improved. We went to joel's house and had dinner. Them we were taken to Haven by joel's mum.

Haven was great. Superb. Beautiful. And I could distinguish gabriel fang's laugh because it was so loud. And Ryan Goh was acting. As a main side character. O.o I knew he was acting but I didn't think it was so significant. He's quite good really.

After Haven though, was tiring. Going home at 10pm. With your freaking huge bag which you've been carrying for the whole day. And at the second bus stop, this old lady walked up to me and asked me to tell her if a 174 was arriving. I agreed although I wanted to go home as soon as possible. I missed 2 961's before a 174 came. And I finally arrived home at 11.

long day? you have no idea.

I'm done blogging so I'll retreat back to bleach.

Hinamori is cute, Hitsugaya is freaking cool, Byakuya is scary, and Ichigo is insanely strong.
1:14 AM

hmm... @ Thursday, August 03, 2006
I've decided to test myself
until this friday
I will attempt to do every piece of homework
this includes stuff to be handed up in, say, 3 weeks
insanity right?
don't think I will succeed.
But, I will try

take a breather from life.
1:27 AM

Breathe @ Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Cause you cant jump the track
We're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table,
No one can find the rewind button now
so cradle your head in your hands
And breathe

Breathe by Anna Nalick

A few days back, a close friend of mine was feeling particularly down. At one time, this person brought up a point that's lingered in my mind for a while. "Everyone expects you to be the freaking problem solver when sometimes you need someone to solve your problems." Its an amazing truth that sometimes saddens me. There are few individuals in this world who would sacrifice their time, their effort, their strength to help others. You see, in this day and age, kindness is rare, chivalry is dead, selfishness is everywhere. But it only takes the strength and the courage of one, to set an example that others may follow. Jesus set that example for us christians. And we're supposed to follow it.

But following that path is not easy. On the contrary, its one of the hardest things to do. The power to do whats right exists in each of us. Its just whether or not we do the right thing or we follow the crowd.

History is full of instances where people do something revolutionary, something going against the crowd. And that sets the bar for the ones to follow.

Thats all I needed to say. Partings.
12:21 AM

who, me?
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

There's so much about life that I don't know about yet, and there's so much that God teaches me as I walk with Him everyday. This is where I record what I learn, my reflections on His revelations. My hope is that through the words you read, you hear His voice, not mine. And if it puts a smile on your face, that's an added bonus

talk it out

