x. @ Friday, July 27, 2012
No one asks to remember things from books, but things stick to your mind like walking over unlit pavements strewn with post-its, and when you step back into the light the only things that settle are the ones that stuck. Somewhere in Siddhartha, our titular protagonist observes that a stone sinks in the quickest way it can; as it is meant to. But what if the stone doesn't sink any deeper. What if the coagulated droplets of water, the seas and oceans, the earth itself pulls up and over the stone. Poor confused stone doesn't sink into the depths; the depths rush up to meet it. Gravity pulls unbidden: it is law. Tonight I feel like a stone, and beyond this rocky shell the world speeds past me
11:22 PM

who, me?
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

There's so much about life that I don't know about yet, and there's so much that God teaches me as I walk with Him everyday. This is where I record what I learn, my reflections on His revelations. My hope is that through the words you read, you hear His voice, not mine. And if it puts a smile on your face, that's an added bonus

talk it out

