monday @ Monday, July 30, 2007
ho hum
quite a boring day
the usual lessons
believe it or not, I didn't sleep during chapel
need more sleep

and I'm just going to act okay until I am
11:08 PM

hallelujah @
I say it
I sing it
because I know not what else to say

Love is not a vict’ry march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah

Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright
4:52 AM

emo poem! @ Sunday, July 29, 2007
Another emo poem written under the insistence of valerina (not that I'm complaining)
and no, there is no subliminal message about how much I hate someone in this poem
and personally, I think its way too emo

The Blade
I've been walking around with a pain in my back
Never seen it coming, only felt the attack
Into the left side, out through the heart
Our friendship mutilated, you cut it apart
I've heard all the lies, they could never be true
Now I can't believe I once trusted you
I've been walking around with a pain in my back
the blade that's inside me? It'll slice your neck


2:14 PM

sunday songs @
Because I am bored, I shall do this thing again

Instructions: Go to your player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. DO NOT CHEAT.

Q: how does the world see me?
Hero - Mariah Carey

Q: Will i have a happy life?
This is your life - The Juliana Theory
(yep, and I'm stuck with it)

Q:What do my friends really think of me?
I'll take you on - Howie day

Q:Do people secretly lust after me?
Hammers and Hearts - Daphne and Derby
(what is that supposed to mean?)

Q:How can i make myself happy?
I Feel Pretty - West Side Story
(... speechless... utter and completely speechless...)

Q:What can i do with my life?
Belated - New Found Glory

Q:Will i ever have children?
Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
(does that mean I'll be an abusive father?)

Q:What is some good advice for me?
Everywhere I go - Katharine Mcphee
(not talking sense)

Q:How will i be remembered?
Do you want to - Franz Ferdinand
(yes, I want to be remembered)

Q:What is my signature dancing song?
Stars and Boulevards - Augustana
(Ooo, this one I'm fine with, slowdance!)

Q:What do I think my current theme song is?
I believe - Hillsongs
(heh, so true)

Q:What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Constant Static - New Found Glory

Q:What song will play at my funeral?
Faking my own suicide - Relient K

Q:What sort of men/women do i like?
a) men: in too far - Acceptance (so wrong)
b)women: Opposite attract - Hi-5 (don't ask, just don't)

Q:What is my day going to be like?
Thriller - Fall out boy
(heh, now we shall see if theres any truth to it)

yesterday was goood.
too many things to describe in detail
off to my cousin's house
his birthday
1:58 PM

monday night @ Monday, July 23, 2007
charity bazaar
oh the fun-ness
especially the fondue!
first, the fondue was normal
then, we started running out of chocolate
then NICKY had the brilliant idea of pouring in chocolate milk
AND milo powder
at first, it look gross
then you tasted it
seriously good
chocolate-y goodnessssss
thats about it


I know its worth the sacrifice

You know what I want to see? I want to see God move so powerfully in ignyte services. More than we've ever seen before, that the sum of everything in the past will not equal the presence of God on that day. I want to see random people walking on the streets outside church, suddenly feeling the incredible urge, the need for God. I want to see people kneeling at the altars, getting their lives right with him. I want to see church people walking past a building, and people with tears streaming down their faces asking them to let them know who Jesus is. I want God's divine radiation from every member of our church. I want to see it. I'm ready to see it. I'm ready to see it happen NOW.

"I believe that when the full measure of the gathered prayers of God's people finally reach a crescendoing echo in Hid ears, then it becomes too much for Him to wait any longer. He cannot pass by the prayers of the brokenhearted and contrite who seek His face. Finally the day comes when God says from His throne on high, "Thats enough."
----God Chasers, Tommy Tenney
8:43 PM

@ Sunday, July 22, 2007
"what do you want in life?"
"I want to mean something in the lives of as many people as I can"
7:20 PM

sunday @
mmm, sunday evening
yesterday's service was good
I did RGB!
the sermon!
and P gary really jumped the gun
but we did a good job
and what bro victor prayed over me made alot of sense
"may the hallmark of this young man's life be that he is willing to give anything for his God"
made alot of sense

sad I had to leave for Ms Noah's Arc
which, no offence to the makers, was quite boring
then again, its actually pretty good considering it was made by the primary school

not blogging alot
I felt like writing a poem
maybe tomorrow
I'm sorry
the problem isn't that I love you, its that I do.
5:38 PM

quick one @ Thursday, July 19, 2007
quick one

Bright as azure
Dark as sapphire
A heart shining with stars
Or dark with hellfire

And before you ask, I'm not being emo
This poem was written in 5 minutes, so dont blame me if it sounds weird


11:07 PM

wow @
I'm quite surprised
I honestly had never thought of my poems as that good
but amazingly
a quick google of "krantol"
proved me wrong
I've been quoted in many blogs
and even in some book
don't know about you, but that scares me
but at the same time, I'm proud God made a difference through me :D
4:04 PM

275! @ Monday, July 16, 2007
Heh, its my 275th post
And I shall celebrate

random fact of life no. 76
I only ever get bed hair if I sleep in the afternoon, never during the night

random question of the day

random answer of the day


nothing further, your honour
7:03 PM

update update @ Sunday, July 15, 2007
mmmm, yesterdays service was good.
I think ignyte min's going through a period of growth
but also a period of spiritual attacks
I testify to that happening in the past week
but God's been good
I think theres so much that can happen
if only we let it
12:55 PM

yes yes, I hear you @ Friday, July 13, 2007
For the past few days I've been bugged by people, eager to hear what I have to say on my blog
I hear you!
And thus, I blog
*ego moment*

heh, now that's over
time for an overview of the past week
monday: boring, slept through lessons
tuesday: more boring, slept through more lessons
wednesday: pinnacle of boring, slept 4 hours in school
thursday: less boring, slept minimally during lessons
friday: not boring, didn't sleep *shock*

interesting activity of the day: throwing a chinese hand book in the air and hitting it with the broomstick repeatedly. Yay for fun-ness!

I'm being high and random. AS USUAL. ahahaha.

Played out... Reality bites photos are out (oh no) which I'm going to view now

I think what FANNY shared this morning for devotion made alot of sense.
"the people who watch a piano concert praise the artist, not the piano.
In the same way, the glory isn't ours, its the Lord's
What's the most we can do? tune ourselves up, and let him use us"

alright, enough, I'm never uploading the pictures from played out
1:53 PM

another sunday @ Sunday, July 08, 2007
good week
lazy to blog
I sincerely hope that the tech team will not put up the blooper videos
and no, it is NOT funny.
cast outing (so called) was okay lah
but everyone left early!
lazy to blog

I'm getting annoyed.
But not at people
I'm getting annoyed that the devil's attacking people
I'm getting very annoyed
what right does he have over their lives
what right does he have to tear up what they have
no right, thats what.
so why won't they see that?
why do they continue to cower in fear, when they don't need to?
why do I sometimes cower when I don't need to?
because you deny yourself your birthright
the right that was given to you when Jesus died on the cross

and yes, anime is not a complete waste of time
bleach episode 31:

there's nothing but fear reflected in your sword

When you dodge, you say "I'm afraid of getting cut"

When you attack, you say "I'm afraid of cutting someone"

And even when you protect someone, you say "I'm afraid of letting them die"

What's necessary isn't fear
Nothing can be born of that

When you dodge, "I won't let them cut me"

When you attack, "I will cut them"

When you protect someone, "I won't let them die"

Form your resolve
9:38 PM

next sunday @ Monday, July 02, 2007
sorry I haven't exactly blogged alot
been busy
which is very very weird
for me, that is.

played out reality bites was awesome! but my fall wasn't as nice as the one I did when the SPs were there. boo. but its alright, it was believable. yay.

there were >700 people that came, 126 first time visitors, and 60 decisions. YAY!
I think everything we did, the month-worth of rehearsals, was worth it. so worth it.

I found my shoebox
of letters and dreams
sent by a friend
or so it seems

two years worth
of letters from you
two years worth
so very few

each told a bit
of the story inside
which I knew was true
though fervently denied

the story about
a girl and her friend
who drifted apart
not by his hand

do you remember
that letter you wrote
2nd october
you wrote this note

what it said inside
meant alot to me
"friends forever"
I agreed

mmmmm, nice poem
at least I like it

I think God's really doing a work in trinity
you can tell
theres just so much God can do
and theres so much I want to see him do

on another note, pictures from L camp are up
including a really spastic one with me blowing a balloon...

I miss you.


10:52 AM

who, me?
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

There's so much about life that I don't know about yet, and there's so much that God teaches me as I walk with Him everyday. This is where I record what I learn, my reflections on His revelations. My hope is that through the words you read, you hear His voice, not mine. And if it puts a smile on your face, that's an added bonus

talk it out

