Blame Blogger @ Thursday, November 30, 2006
GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!highly highly highly annoyed
Blogger's out to kill me.
I wrote an ENTIRE 7 verse poem on the spot and some philosophical stuff too.
Longest post in some time.
Then the blogger dies on me.
I was only able to salvage this webcomic.
read it anyway

And I WILL post a poem next post. Or maybe 2, to make it up.
4:20 AM
busy! @ Monday, November 27, 2006
apologize, but I've got no time to blog.
Will post WITH POEM next time.
3:53 AM
Rapid Stab @ Saturday, November 25, 2006
My computer's been acting up these days so forgive me if I suddenly go offline mid-way in a conversation.
You know I was planning to type out a long philosophical post about how discontent we are. But my inspiration has left me for now. I'll attempt to catch it back for the next post.
1:38 AM
200th post @ Thursday, November 23, 2006
Yes, indeed it is. About a year, 13 poems and 200 posts later, my blog's still going strong. As such, I feel that nostalgia is in order. And so, we begin.
About a year ago, the P6's were transformed into sec 1's. Major transition no? And with the change came new friends, new experiences, new things, new school, new cell-mates.
Being in the L cell was a new experience for me. In my life I never really felt myself as much of a leader. But people had faith in me. And well-placed faith as well.
Its been a year of fun and games, a year of sorrow and pain, but still, the good outweighs the bad. I've made good friends over the year, lost contact with some old ones.
I had thought of including some memorable moments/quotes from the year, but I'll leave that for my blog's 1st birthday. Yay!
4:16 PM
reversible @ Wednesday, November 22, 2006
dropping by for my regular post.
I'm eagerly waiting for my 200th post which will be my next.
eager eager beaver
A poet wields the weapon of words, moulded from simple emotions.
random linkage for the day:
The Instant Art Critique Phrase GeneratorThus I leave my quote of the day:
In a world of universal deciet, telling the truth is revolutionary.
1:20 AM
perfect days @ Tuesday, November 21, 2006
im pissed, evidently.
posting twice between 10 minutes
some kind of record?
my tagboard's down because the main server of the tagboard is down.
which just about perfects my day.
I'm bored, so I'm doing some organizing.
2:17 AM
daily rant @
nono, things can't get worse
so you think.
My mum confiscated my phone.
Nothing further, your honour.
yes, I'm spouting nonsense
2:03 AM
breakdown @ Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm gonna drive and never ever slow down. I'm gonna drive until i break down. Packing my things and getting out of this town. I'm gonna drive until i break down. I've helped 6 people today
But it doesnt feel enough
I feel like I failed them.
All of them.
But I'll stay strong
because thats all I can do.
keep your promise
1:36 AM
Eventful @ Sunday, November 19, 2006
Been an eventful few days
shan't go into details
call it my laziness.
And it sat there, deadly stillStuck in the darkness, against its willIt tried to stretch its arms and feetBut this thick darkness, it could not beatLimited its movement, again and againNothing could be done, although it did strainSo it lay there, deep insideEating the food, letting time bideUntil, alas, the food, no moreSucked down deep into his coreBut great strength was his rewardAnd so was the freedom he so greatly soughtHe pushed his arms, higher and higherAs was his deepest, greatest desireHis feet lengthened, as did his armsWhich was a great cause for alarmUntil its arms lengthened beyond the darkHe felt the light, which was his markThe light, it shone, upon his handsRaw, unbridled, coarse like sandIt filled him up, heart and soulIt made him strong and brave and boldHe knew that now, it would be alrightNow that he had the wonderous lightThe years went by, he grew and grewAnd so did the emotions that inside him brewHe felt strong and he felt proudHe felt his beauty should be shouted loudHis mind did craft, his mind did thinkAnd many different thoughts did linkThe thoughts were done, the actions startedHis hands, they built, they flew, they dartedUntil, at last, the job was doneHe had to admit he had some funHis job was finished, he had to smileHe admired and loved it, all the whileAnd it was done at lastFrom the humble seed, to a beautiful flowerTa daaaaah
enjoy :)
Im in a good mood.
Labels: poem
1:41 AM
Forgive! @ Friday, November 17, 2006
forgive me, doing some updating of my poemhunter account. And im tired.
7:22 PM
just a little literature @
I see a stormIt sways and undulates before me.It has a temper that knows no bounds.It has no conscience.But it has a soul.It lives on in action.It thrives only on the destruction it reaps.It is neither good nor evil.For it is both.It will not tire, it knows no fatigue.It will not give quarter, because it has no empathy.The storm will cease when its done.And it will rage on with or without witness.For it is a storm, and it knows no other way.----Jonathan Capra Davidson
The Sea Bed Bellows.
2:46 AM
downtrodden @ Thursday, November 16, 2006
its hard to keep happy and smiley when everyone kinda feels like crap.
The whole adam/PL thing just hit me. Kind of hard I might add.
Its just the realisation that the number of times you're going to see this whole half of the church is significantly decreased hits you first.
Then the fact that part of that half is going to be
your friends. That hits you next.
The last part that hits you is whether or not to obey and go where you're posted.
It really sucks. Horribly. Farewells are never my forte. In times like this, I'd like nothing better than to go to my room, lock the door, switch off the light, and stuff myself into my closet and stay there for a while.
The only comfort I have is the fact that I know my God planned this, and my God will see it through. And, in truth, its all the comfort I need.
6:40 PM
and an annoucement! @ Wednesday, November 15, 2006
posted on behalf for jayni, im bored and out of inspiration
Interested in going for a gig at gashaus on the 24th of december. THE QUESTION FADES would be performing. it's from 2pm - late at night. and tickets are reasonably priced at TEN bucks each. (: would be great if you could ask your friends too. thanks. so if youre interested, leave your name and your mobile number down yup THANKS!
In case you dont know where Gashaus is, directions:
Once out of bugis MRT, exit onto Victoria Street and head towards the National Library. Take a right on Middle Road, and walk past the This Fashion store and the billiards place towards Queen Street. The Gashaus will be on the right side of the street across from the old NAFA Building.
im lazy
so sue me
lazy enough not to bother with proper puntuation or speeling
8:19 PM
update-ness @ Tuesday, November 14, 2006
well, now that my McAfee antivirus just crashed and burned, I realie that now I can view people's cboxes. Oh the sweet sweet irony.
12:05 PM
numb? @
the world needs patience.
11:40 AM
Hope. @ Monday, November 13, 2006
Hope is the sweet, sweet scentof flowers in the morningHope is the cool gentle breezeon a warm summer's dayHope is the knowledge of stabilityfrom a son in mourningHope is the bright shining lightkeeping darkness at bayHope is the calming warmthduring a cold winter
Hope is the determination
of an athelete on the track
Hope is the potential
of a newborn baby
Hope is the love
between you and me
Hope springs eternal
Labels: poem
9:02 AM
Denial @
the thing about denying something is
Until you admit it exists
to you, its nothing but a figment of your imagination.
So I'll keep denying
9:01 AM
Brace? @ Friday, November 10, 2006
just a warning, I might break out in emo posts. I think its drifting in the air.
5:01 AM
land ahoy @ Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The land was blooming with beauty
with green grass and blue sky
Land free from tyranny
where, freely, all birds could fly
But peacefulness, like all things
could never last forever
And so, the rightful reign of peace
ended its endeavors
The plague swept across the land
devouring all in its way
Like an evil shadow came
and the righteous light did it flay
The land that once bloomed now lay dead
fields with dried grass fraught
The sun shone in all its might
and so the land suffered from this drought
And now, what next
for this misshapen land?
will it stay this same way
or by itself will it mend?
What is this strange place, you may ask
This, the heart of every lover, near and far
Labels: poem
10:00 AM
Sleep Deprivation @
since monday, 4pm
I have not slept than 3 hours
and I've only taken three of these mini naps
9 hours of sleep for 48 hours
nope, severely disproportianate.
wiki article on
sleep deprivationpoof
8:24 AM
cowardice @ Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The sacrificial heart is the brave one
No, it is not brave
it is merely a cowardly heart
who is running away from its own cowardice.
2:52 AM
ugh @
I mean to blog, I really do
I'm just muddle-headed
ugh, headache.
why isnt panadol working?!?!
and for the last time, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, I'm not trying to put you down, I'm not trying to hurt you in any way. Why can't you understand that.
2:03 AM
Hypothetically, that is @ Sunday, November 05, 2006
Ever felt misunderstood by someone?
Yea, thats how I feel.
Its kinda weird
When you're pissed off at this one person
hypothetically, that is,
but you can't, won't tell them
because you're afraid to hurt them.
Then something hypothetical you do is misinterprated
again and again
hypothetically, that is,
and, through all the general bad stuff thrown at you from this other person
you refuse to retaliate.
Maybe you hypothetically retaliate once or twice
which only worsens the hypothetical situation
Then you decide not to retaliate again.
Lets say one hypothetical day
you come to realise the full effect of a hypothetical change
hypothetically, that is.
Which means you may be losing some hypothetical friends
and you're feeling really down
and its not helping that you're being annoyed
hypothetically, that is.
Then this other hypothetical person mishears you saying something
and thinks you're getting them into trouble.
Lets, hypothetically, say you feel pissed
and you retreat home to clear your head
and this person keeps getting pissed off at you
hypothetically, that is.
But you call someone
as it is routine
and you manage to get cheered up
and no matter how pissed off the other hypothetical person gets
you decide not to get angry at them
Lets say this hypothetical person doesnt care
hypothetically, that is.
But at the same time
this person doesnt know about all the hypothetical anger you've held back against the person
all the times you've tried to be there for them
all the times you've been supportive.
Lets say all this happens
and you decide to write it out into a hypothetical blog post.
Hypothetically, that is.
12:42 AM
Nightmare @ Friday, November 03, 2006
The past few days I've been waking up in the middle of the night
To be exact, between the 4am-5am period.
I'm only able to fall back to sleep at about 5.30am
Its this same, recurring dream
Its all dark
Then this deep, low, distorted voice
"What are you waiting for?"
Then this light
Like as if I'm inside some kind of coffin
I reach out to get out of the coffin
And as I do
I wake up
Its freaking me out
What am I waiting for?You.
1:19 PM