no greater love @ Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wow. Yesterday was just. Wow.
The thing about services like that is that the presence of God is just so strong you can't deny it.
Even serving at the back, when Pastor Gary made the altar call, I could feel the tears in my eyes.
But seriously, its just one of those services where God takes control.
People may complain that the fast songs didn't seem that enthu. But if you ask me, I think God's bringing us away from merely the hype of jumping to the serenity of his presence.
Yea, I didn't understand that either.
But alas, I have to complain. I get really
really really annoyed at people who go for services without the objective of meeting God, but of meeting friends. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against fellowship, heck, I probably do it way too often. But theres a time and place for everything, and service is not it.
And please, altar call is not something you go up for because your friends are, its because you want to. Because you're answering God's call. So don't do stupid things like checking your hair in a mirror when you're at the altars. Seriously.
Ni. Good week.
Embrace His plan for You
12:25 PM
Yes yes, changed @ Tuesday, April 24, 2007
As you've probably noticed, I changed the blogskin.
Been working on it throughout the school day.
Which, of course, I am still in.
Been feeling less emo.
And smsing alot more.
To the weirdest people.
Dave Tay's lesson, duty calls
yah, right
stop talking to yourself
but I'm notyes you are
*slap*ow! Why'd you do that?
because you said I'm talking to myself when I'm not*slap*
OW! What was that for?!that was for talking to yourself then saying you arent
the inner thoughts of gideon
koi ni ochiiru
thank God for japanese
1:52 PM
Good Service, good service @ Monday, April 23, 2007
Mmmm, good service
two good services in a row, leading up to worship experience.
I honestly, honestly cannot wait.
It will be awesome.
Short blogpost, working on blogskin
2:16 AM
Status? @ Saturday, April 21, 2007
first off, lame jokes:
*krrrrrtxx* captain, captain, whats your status *krrrtxxx*
*krrrrtxxxx* well *krrtz* I'm single *krrrrrtzx*
heh, oh the lameness
well, call me a video game geek, but sometimes really plays out like an RPG game
You see, I find that when my spiritual life's on the rise, and my studies are stable, my relationships with church friends gets strained and near-obsolete with school ones
When my spiritual life is good, and so's my relationship with church friends, there go school friends and studies
and those times when relationships are good and so are studies, spiritual life plummets. And I hate that.
I guess life's just a cycle of ups and downs. But who says we can't have some fun wile we're at it?
heh, good day, good day
crossing the rubicon
2:31 AM
Sunday monrings, saturday nights @ Sunday, April 15, 2007
and so ends another faithful week n the life of gideon.
I'm in one of those philosophical moods.
I wonder, what exactly have I done this week.
What things that have some semblance of value have I done this week.
ask yourself that question.
More often that not, you'll find yourself thinking hard.
You've got a new week, a new day
time to make a difference.
God's been good.
I survived the week, with all its weird obligations and responsibilities
i.e. teck seng's compo.
seriously, I'm taking homework too slack-ly
or maybe I'm just lying too much.
I know, gotta change.
Great service.
Honestly, its been months since I've cried hard at the altars.
But the feeling never lets you down.
At first you feel that feeling
the one of desperation
the one where every fiber of your being is just crying out to God
the one of repentance
the one of sorrow.
Then comes the other feeling
the one where you can feel something change, something snap within you
that breaking, that molding.
that feeling.
Then the feeling of joy
sometimes this feeling takes a longer time, but it always comes through
where you know something was done in your life.
something changed.
thats the joy.
The reason why so many of us lose his presence, is because we expect him to fill us with it.
Not saying its wrong or anything, but the purest worship, is the one that doesn't expect anything in return.
Just worshipping him.
Not for
what he's done, but for
who he is.
Work's been done at the altars tonight people
let's not let it go to waste.
how can I ever sing enough, how amazing is your love
3:28 AM
P Sci Randomness @ Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Physical Science Randomness productions presents:
(possibly the best thing I've drawn this year)

Nah, I'm just kidding.
What I really meant was:

YES, I like it too.
This is called P. Science boredom.
will draw more tomorrow
Edit: Poemhunter updated Labels: boredom, drawings
11:20 PM
Timeless @ Monday, April 09, 2007
Mmms, easter weekend was good. Although going to church 4 days in a row is weird, but it was good
yes, I did go for all 4 shows
yes, I didn't have anything better to do
yes, timeless was good
yes, at the end of it, I knew the lyrics of the song
yes, I shall stop doing the "yes," thing now
lazy to blog, needa sleep, nights
God of hopemy hope for tomorrowI prayyes I cried to you
1:57 AM
2 in 2 @ Friday, April 06, 2007
That was psycho gid
this is rational gid
Think about his love
think about his goodness
think about his grace, thats brought us through
for as high as the heavens above
so great is the measure of our father's love
great is the measure of our father's love
revival's coming for ACS(I)
I feel it
and I can't wait.
5:43 AM
Moons @
First, some random update, followed by philosophical randomness, followed by poem
Notes to self:
1. talk too much with benn
- during math lesson, audrey tay tells class that "when it comes to exams, don't be fooled by seemingly easy questions
- overly high gideon randomly interrupts/shouts "don't be fools yo"
- heh heh
2. sleeping earlier (yay)
- beginning to sleep at 1-ish instead of 2-ish
3. smsing more
- not saying its bad though
4. meeting teachers of buses is bad
- meeting teachers on buses
- say hi
- AWKWARD bus ride
5. the physical science teacher hates me
- I don't need proof
6. I'm going for all timeless showtimes
- yes, I am insane
Let me ask you, what is the difference between reality and existence?
existence, is what really is
reality, is what we perceive existence to be
Therefore, what we perceive as reality, may be different from existence.
dum dum dum
or maybe I don't exist.
But thats impossible
quoting rene descrates:"Cognito, ergo sum. Dubito, ergo cognito, ergo sum."
in english: "I think, therefore I am. I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am."
what he's basically saying is that the very fact that I am able to think proves my existence, because what does not exist, therefore does not think. However, it does not prove that you exist, because although you can think, I don't know if you can truely think, ergo, I don't know if you really exist.
Also, the very fact that I doubt my existence, proves I am capable of rational thought, which in turn proves that I exist. however, if you doubt your existence, it does not equal that you are capable of rational thought. Maybe you're all just a figment of my imagination.
Moonlight's SplendorLook at the moon
Tell me, what do you see?
A portal to a world
where your dreams can be?
A magical theme park
where your attention is fee?
Or in this cosmic golf-game of life
the golf ball on a tee?
I see an orb filled with hope
parading through the night
Before the dark clouds of reason
cover its sweet light
Maybe a circus mirror
distorting whats wrong and right
Till the point you don't know
if you're still fighting the good fight
But if you trudge on through the night
and upon the moon you cling
And when the sun begins to shine
the new day heralding
Remember to thank your guide
The moonlight, the night's king
bid it good will, you'll see it again
once the night renews its coming.
Written by: Krantol Northic
Thanks goes to: Sharmila, my physical science teacher, for making lessons so boring I'm forced to do something else with my time.
Yes, I'm typing this out at 4.50 in the morning.
strike out the sleeping-early part
call this an extra-long make-up post
I'm psychotic
and yes, I miss you
but its not who you think it isLabels: poem
4:23 AM
Happy Post-April Fools Day @ Monday, April 02, 2007
No no, I'm not closing down my blog.
Yes that was a joke.
Have a happy week people, because emo people die faster
and we all don't want that, do we
4:39 PM
Sunday mornings lead to reflections @ Sunday, April 01, 2007
I think I shall close down my blog soon.
So this will probably be my last or penultimate post.
Better let it be a good one.
I'm down with fever, or at least I was. Seems to have gone. So thanks for all who prayed.
Saturday, the usual messy day
Don't really have alot to comment.
I shall post something that's been running through my mind for the past few days.
when the night burns into day
and the sun begins to shine
the promise of your love
never lingering behind
it surrounds me, protects me
never lets me go
so thats why
I'll say
I love you
2:13 PM