fridays @ Friday, September 28, 2007
oofffff, longggg day
lets see
which was to be handed up today
pushed to next monday
more time to do!
and in a bold and brazen move
my entire piece is in grayscale
yep, gray scale
not a single shade of colour
and and and GROW IN GOD YO
yea, that was weird
ughh, studying sucks
and I dunno what to choose for my subject combination
just gonna have to trust God for it
truth is, I don't know what to choose
and they all ask me what job I plan to pursue in the future
I don't know
because I can't see myself doing anything
other than serving my King
6:55 PM
monday @ Monday, September 24, 2007
quick one
first, thanks to the random guy from 3.13 at the bus stop who shared his umbrella with me this morning. Thank you for being nice.
now, the product of my boredom
I present to you

I know, its AWESOME isn't it
back to studying
10:15 PM
because you'll never let me go @ Sunday, September 23, 2007
The angels cry
join in the singing
no arrows fly
but war is waging
the people sing
for love unfailing
then God comes
His glory bringing
the storm rages
like no other seen
I hear His voice
faint in the wind
"hold on to me
find peace, serene
I am your shield
the storm and me, between"
chained down, my spirit
broken beyond repair
in that dark place
cry out in despair
and there you are
answered an unknown prayer
broken free, why?
because for you, I care
standing in front
of You, on a cross
thorns on your head
blood around and across
in that moment
all that would be loss
came to be gain
my life embossed
The people rejoice
join in the singing
the angels chime
for war is waging
the broken cry
for love unfailing
then God comes
His glory bringing
1:26 AM
Sunday @
hey, technically, it IS sunday :P
mmm, was good
rawr, I looked so stoned in the video!
which was not my fault!
the filming guy told us to stand still
my buzz group rocks!
and altar call was beyond awesome
to put simply
today was
well, for lack of better words
really really good
you're worthy gid
you're worthy to carry the burden I give
you don't see it
and neither does the world
but I do
no testing I've given you has been for no reason
why should this be different?
I'm only worthy through your name Lord
through your name
don't know how to do this
12:52 AM
thursday @ Thursday, September 20, 2007
mid week update!
heh, sorry, haven't been on the com alot
shocking, right?
history debate tomorrow
I think we can do it
very short post
just randomness, and relaxation
said it before, I'll say it again
they don't have words for your kind of beautiful(:
9:54 PM
sundays @ Sunday, September 16, 2007
I'm blogging, as per ruth's request
heh, its been a good few days
and yes, shockingly, I've started studying
(I know what you're thinking "WHOA")
yea, I'm shocked too
neh, random
crashed at 8pm
didn't eat dinner (cause I was asleep)
woke up at 8am
due to my lack of eating
my hand was spasming
freaky O.o
went to study with parts of my buzz group
didn't really get any work done
but I helped ruth!
so good enough
I served for RGB!
after so long
but, no, I wasn't the one that screwed up the video
and altar call was good =)
fuel was fun!
the 10 plagues game
where I "accidentally" tickled joelle
and she fell off the chair
claps for jo!
the egyptian drama thing!
means peach in jap, by the way
I'm bored!
randomizing at the keyboard
in other news, my current best time for the rubik's cube is now 1:44.6 seconds
you don't know how proud I feelyes, I loved friday
6:46 PM
happy 300 @ Monday, September 10, 2007
yesss, 300th post
I dedicate this 300th post to my God
who is my rock, my strength, and anything I've ever needed
shall reward myself with bleach 139
too shooooort!
shall come back and amend this some other time
"Let not temptation or hesitation degrade a worthy adviser"
6:03 PM
sunday @ Sunday, September 09, 2007
heh, good
first, went to meet chetwin
so stayed around in church for a while
and trying to make fang write on the card
and service
was really good
pastor darrick
good sermon
brother andy prayed for me
good prayer
sadly, thats when I had to leave
booo ):
ah well
I woke up at 7am today
yea, the shock
ughhhh, don't feel like blogging
on a last note, happy birthday abby
2:43 PM
friday @ Friday, September 07, 2007
heh, long time since last post
well, shall fill you in on the past few days
went out with the mg people
actually, it all started with crashing benn's house
which was done in a ninja-worthy manner
then proceeded to call in the other mg people
what? boredom does weird stuff to me
went out with fang, derek, and later brian chan
its weird, we met bro kah fei, chloe and vera
was it just the day or what?
heh, anyway, fun!
helped fang with stuff
uhhh, nothing yet
yes yes, later
I dont have words to say
12:43 PM
monday(tuesday?) @ Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I'm scared of my mp3 now
every time I turn it on, and put it to random mode
it keeps playing songs from the "all of the above" and "saviour king" albums
the bad part, is that every time I do
God starts speaking to me
then I have to drop everything and retreat to my room
but hey, you spend a few hours with the guy that pretty much made everything
I'm not complaining
nothing much to blog
sept hols will be short, but I shall make the most of it
that being said, anyone interested in watching ratatouille on thursday?
1:43 AM
sundays @ Sunday, September 02, 2007
ahhh, good day
past few days have been good
heh, really really really good
friday's SP meeting was gooooooood
pastor Gary really shared his heart, and I think many of us caught it
plus, altar call was awesomeness
I thank God for saving my family from getting into a bad traffic accident
His hand was there, and he protected us
I love my God
service was fun
heh, brother andy preached well
and it was good
and so was fuel
so many many good things happened
all thanks to an awesome God =D
11:29 AM