thursday @ Thursday, February 28, 2008
so here it is, the much-anticipated blogpost.
Apologies to all, I've been busy
wow, weekend recap on a thursday, a blog first
the day of joy!
service fuel, all is/was good
I like praying for people :D :D :D :D :D
movie, valarie, audrey, funny, happy, fun :D
ughhh, screwed up day
little lessons though, so thank God
Physics test
A math test
I die.ded.
Actually, at least I got 38 for A math, which is not too shabby, right on the dot of class average
but the lack of sleep the day before pretty much made me lose focus during physics
and since there's no moderation, we're pretty much all going to die
days of PONG LAH
really funny, I ran to 3.17, threw the class door open, was about to shout PONG really loudly (yea, for fun, I know its weird!) and realised herzog was in their class
so I said : hi madam
then closed the door and ran like a rabid poodle
words cannot express how simply screwed today was
C math test in the morning, which I probably won't fail, but won't hit my targeted 70
also, centrestage rehearsal were supposed to be today
but thanks to the brilliance of the fact that I had to pick my mum up at the airport, I missed it
... craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
In random news:
I cut my hair
gone gone, long fringe, hope I can see you again sometime soon
I actually like how my hair looks thinner
so arigato gozaimasu aik leng's mum
who I still haven't paid
and I do feel bad for it
note to self: bug aik leng for how much I should pay
correction: how much my dad should pay
my phone bill is going to die
I was really bored yesterday, so I pretty much memorised the entire club penguin sled racing course. I can pretty much achieve the fastest possible timing.
its scary to think that if my week was that crazy, how much worse it was for everyone else
Now! as I promised, the 10 people thing. only its a little different. I included with every person a song that would hint of who that is.
1. Scars (stronger for life) - Corrinne May
wake up? and stop making me worry
2. Can't Help But Wait - Trez Songz
Nuff' said
3. There Is Nothing Like - Hillsong United
Nothing to say, just GO READ MY EMAIL.
But, of course, note the first (and most important) line
4. Shelter (cherry blossom edition) - Corrinne may
Hello dear friend. Yes, the one I told before actually doing this. And also the one person with the best chance of guessing who the ten people are. Just want to say that You've got me, you've got God, you've got your family, you've got your friends. Don't fear anything.
Oh, and take off some of those bags already :)
5. Devotion - Hillsong United
You will probably never guess that out of all the 10 you'd be this one.
But here's how I shall put it:
suffice to say, you will never quite understand why I worry so much over you until you realise how strong His call is in your life.
So don't you ever walk away.
I see storms ahead.
Stay strong.
6. Hosanna - Hillsong United
You might wonder, why this song gid? As far as I'm concerned, and where you are, you're one of those that pretty much knows most of the newest hillsong songs. Yet today, I want you to go listen to this song. Because if you want it badly enough, God can speak powerfully through this song. You'd be surprised, God enjoys ordaining a song for every season
A major storm's brewing.
Be prepared to war.
7. Here In My Life - Hillsong United
You want bravery, and God says just to do what He tells you to.
And He gives you this song. why? How does this song speak of bravery?
This song is sung by someone who realises, finally, that its not by her strength, that it never was. This song is sung in desperation, in want. And its because of desperation, that complete faith and knowledge that its God who is going to pull you through, that this song posesses such a measure of bravery.
Now go! and let God say something to you :)
8. Hallelujuah - Hillsong United
Its funny how I wasn't intending to put you in here, but you started talking to me, and Gos did, at the same time.
I personally love this song. Simple, simple worship. Just telling God that He's the best, just simply giving Him praise.
That's what He's been waiting for.
That's what He's been waiting for you to realise.
And I think you have
So go and worship :D
9. My Future Decided - Hillsong United
yay! fast song :D
time for a change of pace
because you're a naturally high and happy person
I only have one thing to say: DONT LET YOUR EMOTIONS AFFECT YOUR MOOD
go listen to the song :D
10. Adonai - Hillsong United
Just a little background, adonai means 'Lord' in... I think hebrew
But its different for you :D
you know Him by a different name, father
and that He is.
This song is very... you
and thats good
oh, and another thing, no more emo posts!
Monkey :D
I love you God
I love my God
8:05 PM
friday @ Friday, February 22, 2008
monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey
week's been good
not getting enough sleep of course, but hey, what's new?
glad I passed my chinese (and edged out tim goh)
and that I got 21/25 for my lit essay (whoooot)
God's been good :D
even if I haven't been good to Him
How does that song go again?
I love you
I want you to know that I love you
You mean everything to me
More than what my life could be
I love youI need to wake up, back up, and change things
8:31 PM
post script @ Monday, February 18, 2008
my heart aches
as I feel His heart ache
"15 year old boy jumps from 11th story"
"Bomb explodes in dog fighting match in Kandahar, Afghanistan."
"37 killed in a suicide car bombing in Pakistan's tribal region"
"Gunman opens fire at a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University, six dead including the gunman."
I'm doing all I can Lord
1:08 AM
sunday @
wow! posting on sunday!
or at least, monday morning :p
first things first
(at time of writing, its 11:59, so its still your birthday :p)
yes, my dear mei that makes me worry sometimes
I've seen how much you've grown in the past year, and I'm amazed
and I'm glad your life has become a testimony of God's love
keep growing dearie ;)
on to the recap!
afterward, hung around in the 3.17 classroom
doing... random stuff
then raffles city
lunch, subway
home, with julian
bathe, change, far east flora
and thank you so much aud and val for coming :D
even though I know you guys were scared
I hope everyone liked their flowers
...except those who didn't get them :p
well, there's always next year
oh wow, going crazy with the shift key
woke up... late
went to church
just... good :D
and dinner was fun (:
even if some of my cell group wasn't there
but we had fun :D
usual stuff!
nap :p
currently listening to: Into The Night
By Carlos Santana feat. Chad Kroeger
(from nickelback)
thank you julian for introducing me to this
its seriously good
santana is... whoa
I've been growing increasingly bored
and there was a list of stuff I wanted to post, but I suddenly forgot
go read Traveling Light by Max Lucardo
Here's an excerpt (please don't sue me, I just was really touched by this)
"A short-term missionary met a leper on a mission trip. On the final day, he was leading worship in a leper colony. He asked if anyone had a favorite song. When he did, a woman turned around, and he saw the most disfigured face he'd ever seen. She had no ears and no nose. Her lips were gone. But she raised a fingerless hand and asked, "Could we sing 'Count Your Many Blessing'?"
The missionary started the song but couldn't finish. Someone later commented, "I suppose you'll never be able to sing the song again." He answered, "No, I'll sing it again. Just never in the same way.""
really nice
right then, nights
12:10 AM
valentine's @ Friday, February 15, 2008
First off, I'll introduce my valentine.
Or rather, drop hints and leave you guessing (until the end of this post at least)
well, my valentine's name starts with a J
the person's name has an e in it
most of you reading my blog have heard of this person
a significant portion knows this person too
(yes, this is the part where I leave you guessing)
anyway, Valentine's day is a celebration of love
love in all its forms, all its shapes, all its sizes
Love, not lust, not infatuation
As a tribute to my love ones, here goes
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love is patient
Daddy and Mummy
Sometimes I wonder how they put up with me. Me and my habit of constantly breaking the curfew, staying out late, procrastinating then handing up homework late, getting called while I'm in school because I forgot to bring
another form and I need them to bring it for me (because evelyn tan insists). I love them for all that they sacrifice, all that they give, to their children that will never deserve it. Thank you, and I love you.
love is kind.
the first person that came to mind. The one that has been blessed with the ability to empathize beyond the average person. You have an ability to communicate with people on a level so basic, yet so deeply moving. God loves you and I do too!
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
hey, its true. One of the most humble people I know, who has learnt not to boast but to boast in christ. Even if sometimes she's a little silly, but she learns fast. My prayer for you is to continue to love, the way God wants you to, with His love. and yes, I do love my mei (:
it is not self-seeking
hahahaha, one of the people that I know for a fact is willing to drop everything if a loved one is feeling exceptionally down. Even though I often make stupid random comments and make jokes about your height (:p), I do respect you, and I respect the heart that God has given you for others. Happy valentine's day
it is not easily angered
hahahaha, probably wondering why I put you here? One of the most tolerant people I have ever known(well, to me at least), who has put up with some of the weirdest things I have said, thank you. For being there. And for being a good friend, and a good rantee. I love you (without the 'in' :D) as a friend
it keeps no record of wrongs.
personally, this is an apology. I put you here because I remember that one time where I felt really really down, and you tried to cheer me up and I shot you down. Because I wanted you to act the way I wanted. To just listen to me. But I realise now that you were just being you, and I shot out at you for that. For this reason, I apologise. I know you will say that its fine, that it doesn't matter. But to me it does. So please, accept this apology, and know that I love you as one of my best friends
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
gabriel fang
heh, I put you here because I trust you to be completely honest with me. Yep, you heard that right. I trust you to tell me I look horrible when I do, that I'm acting like as ass when I am, and to tell me how much I owe you when I forget. Thank you, and I love you as a brother.
It always protects
friend =D
yep, and I even used the special smiley! hahahahaha. Although sometimes it annoys me when you're all sad, I know that you love me as a (younger) brother in christ, and I thank you so much for that. Oh, and for being patient with me even when I turn up late (or not at all) to movie outings, and when my replies on msn are too slow. I love you kor!
always trusts
ahahahahahahaha. Yes, thank you for talking to me on mornings where I feel quite dead, on afternoons where I feel quite sleepy, and during nights when I feel lonely. thank you, and I love you as a brother.
always hopes
I put you here because, to me, your heart always sees the best, even when your mind doesn't. I know the emotional rollercoasters that life brings, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you, to talk to, to rant at. And I thank you for putting me on your 10 people list (: and I didn't p.s. you at the end! cause you're not with bzh anymore :p I (storge) love you!
always perseveres.
xue er!
I put you here because, well, why not? Our friendship is a covenantal one, my half-life friend, and it will persevere through whatever time shall throw. My prayer for you is that you will find all you ever need in God, and that He will send you the 'supplies' you need :p yes, bad analogy, I know. I love you half-life friend!
well that was fun and emotionally refreshing. To the many others that deserve to be here, but I didn't put up, forgive me in this moment where I'm really so tired. But do know that I love you friends, for being there for me, for caring for me, even when I didn't. Thank you.
Love is oxytocin
Lust is dopamine
Love is where you want the other person's happiness
Lust is where you want the other person
Love is when you take all the romance, all the passion, all the emotional highs of lust, and throw it away.
And yet when you do, you realise that you care for the person more than you thought you would.
of course, not just romantic love, all love :D
I subscribe to the four greek words for love
eros -love between lovers
philia -love between friends
storge -love between family
agape -love from God
love is more than a word, more than a feeling.
love is the strongest bond humans can ever hope to make.
love is hope in tomorrow, that it is somehow going to be better because you have someone to face it with.
love is... the single most compelling, powerful force.
Have you figured it out yet?
who my valentine is
well, His name is Jesus
I love Him very, very much
but He loves me more
Don't expect a post till monday
In memory of
Tan Wen Yi
Rest in the house of the Lord
And know that many of us love you, and will miss you.
God bless.
I offer my deepest condolences to the family
1:12 AM
story time! (with an exclaimation point. pointy!) @ Tuesday, February 12, 2008
and here I was about to write a nice and deep story
then this distracted me

Cyanide & Happiness @
Explosm.netgimme abit to prep
And you stood.
All quite, completely silent
eyes wide, alert, darting
surveying the gaps between the tall, leafless trees
the sun behind the mountain, yet its light hadn't quite been dim
a snap.
paw on fallen tree branch
Your head spun round.
a movement?
Cautiously moving backwards
a low growl
face of a beast sprang from the darkness
bits of seconds float by
staff comes quickly upwards, wasted time reacting
jaws inches from your face as it's smacked back
'don't stop to look, don't stop to look'
just run
carving a path through the fallen dried leaves as you run
it barks, with all the ferocity
of a true beast
killer instinct raw, unhidden
thump thump, boots against the ground
shrouds of darkness clump together
no time to consider, run.
more snapping of jaws
two, no three more
did he release the whole pack?
'no,' you think to yourself, 'I can do this'
'I'm fast enough'
the line of trees is ending
clearing into a
miles wide, more than you can jump
gaping hole in the floor
you slow down
nearly falling off
driven to cliffpoint
you turn
as the wolves, stop too
each a crimson, blood red
dimmed by the setting sun
a full pack
they bare their teeth
with eyes that burn into you
now their gaze turns prideful
yes, you, their prey, has been caught
nowhere to turn, your thoughts begin to spin
'no, please no, I'm too young'
'its still early for my life'
your legs give way, you don't sense it
fallen to your knees
you beg, you plead
sobs escape from your mouth
tears from your eyes
head bowed, eyes closed
you await the inevitable
the wolves part, the biggest one walking through them
his face a satisfied smug
teasingly, his tail brushes your back
he lifts his head to your neck
and his teeth go down, slowly
piercing the skin ever so lightly
a shudder goes down your spine
you raise your head
eyes scanning the faces of the wolves
black spots begin to accompany them
before growing big
you fall backwards
the last image the wolf's grin
you awake
moonlight bright behind your eyelids
you sit up, legs numb
hands reach up to your neck, feeling the scar of the bite
And you know
from that day, you have been marked
destined to pine for another
destined to experience minutes of pure joy and days of torture
destined to
The trees are withered, dead as you walk past them
knowing they can only ever sprout, grow
when he's near.
knowing that you will live on moonlight
till his sunlight shines into your lifeNIIIIIII
still feels... a little weird
shall tweak it some other time
(edit: ignore.)
Labels: story
7:05 PM
tuesday @
apologies, been busy
weekend recap
hmmm... what happened on sat...
oh yes, I served for tech team
I know I did
then over to ander's house for a CNY thing
who knows?
but it was quite fun
more visiting
and ang baos
coupled with
visits to grandparents house
and food
alot of it
was busy.
chinese test!
think I did... alright
man, I'm lazy to blog!
will do the 10 people thing on next post
6:28 PM
wednesday @ Wednesday, February 06, 2008
God I love acsi's random holidays
more on the MPP, apparently the people there said our presentation was the best in our room.
Which means we're better than 5 other groups (and probably alot more).
Thank you God :D
I think the prayer we said before going up helped alot :D
cloverfield is an arty-farty movie
trying to pass off as an action film
its like, you know how stories are written in either first or third person?
this is the first person equivalent of a third person movie
bad thing is that even at the end, you don't know where the monster came from, how it came, what was its goal, nothing!
it leaves you in suspense at the end
and it leaves you feeling an unbelivable sense of desperation
waste of money
gives you motion sickness
still, a 4/5
nothing to do today
I'm sad
12:13 PM
mondays @ Monday, February 04, 2008
apologys for the lack of posts
I'll probably start blogging on wednesdays too
its weird how I use the computer more on weekdays than on weekends
mostly because I'm either out of the house for most of it or asleep
to me, you really are my mei, my sister in christ
its wonderful to see how much you have grown
to one of the few who I can say really gives their all in their worship, their praise
don't change unless God tells you to
be who you are, regardless of what people say
because that's what makes you, you
oh, and we'll see how things go this sat :D
right, onto the weekend recap
MPP thing
I hate waking up early
and yes, 7.30 is early for me
worst nightmare come true
being on orchard road in my school uniform on a saturday
anyway, went quite well
we got the whole crowd laughing and responding
which shows an interest in our topic
hahaha, suffice to say, it was good
God spoke strongly through bro andy's sermon
so compliments to brother andy
"my dear son, how long did it take you to see that you've always been called for the sick, not the well"
haha, God's funny, and strangely cute too
heh, first time manning the sound booth
... which didn't go that well
but I'm learning :D
grand parents house
rushed lunch
bus to church
tech training!
how fun
woke up to watch final destination 2
its horrible
I really really really don't like herzog
1. "explain your inference" my explanation is in the line directly before it!
2. the two points she discussed in class were said with my own words. MY OWN EXACT WORDS. Yet she marked me down for it
3. there. are. food. stains. on. my. worksheet.
anyway, glad to say no homework for today
oh wait, essay
heh, half done
shall procrastinate a little more
the most annoying thing about being a guy has to be the infatuations
all in favour, say aye
its a hormonal output, I don't even want it
go away emotions!
anxious to see how tomorrow will turn out
"You are my freedom, Jesus you're the reason
I'm kneeling again at your throne
where would I be without you
here in my life, here in my life"
-- Here In My Life
awesome song-ness
yes, extra long post just for youuuu, my beloved readers
... however few you guys are
8:22 PM